
Perspectives on entrepreneurship, startups and venture capital from K9 Ventures.

Tips for TechCrunch50 DemoPit companies

Yesterday, while attending TechCrunch50, I tweeted some tips for the companies presenting at the conference and those participating in the demo pit. By popular demand, I’m aggregating these tweets in a blog post:

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #1: Wear comfortable shoes -- you will be standing all day!

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #2: Bring water -- you will be talking all day!

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #3: Breath Mints are your friend -- don't make people want to run away right as you open your mouth!

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #4: Print sign that says says what you do -- don't waste energy pitching anyone / missing those that don't stop & ask

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #5: BE BRIEF! - 10 word pitch. Then stop to gauge interest, Don't waste your energy, others time!

#TC50 DemoPit Tip #6: bring hand sanitizer -- you will be shaking a lot of hands & won't have time to step away from your table much.